The task of preventing and investigating mass murders may be handed over to Finland's Security Police, Supo.
report in the daily Helsingin Sanomat says that Interior Minister Anne
Hollund, National Police Commissioner Mikko Paatero and Supo Chief
Ilkka Salmi said yesterday that Supo might be assigned to head off
incidents such as the shooting that took place at the Kauhajoki
Vocational High School last week. The security leaders were speaking at
a security and Defence Conference in Lahti Friday.
The Interior Minister is expected to take up the matter with police top brass.
Volanen, State Secretary and assistant to Prime Minister Matti
Vanhanen, said that the school killings represent new and grisly acts
of terrorism.
He echoed the Prime Minister's view that school
murders are no longer isolated incidents, but constitute a new form of
serious crime and a security challenge.